Hiya Guys- I've been awfully quiet again- my get up and go seemed to have gone on holiday to somewhere warm!! But I am sitting here, waiting for my syn free kebab meat to hurry up and cook and I thought "you know what? I need to do a blog post!"
So last time I was telling you all that I was to change my target. Well....slight change (or maybe not....)
I said at the start that there were 2 people that I trusted to tell me to stop losing if I needed to lose- my Mum and my friend Chris. The reason why I relied on them was because of one thing- it is so hard to see yourself in a true light- especially after a big change. I believe anyone who has lost weight will understand this- I believe we are always the last people to see the change. I remember I lost over 9 stone and was still convinced- as a size 14- that I could still only fit into Evan's clothing.
The 2 people turned into 3- the third being my shorter, older and sometimes-wiser Twinny, Caz.
All 3 I trust to be honest when needed- and all 3 told me that I didn't need to lose any more- I looked good and it was time to accept my new body.
Well- of course I made excuses "I have loose skin I need to tone up", "I am still not in the middle of a healthy BMI" "I'm not skinny, just average". The excuses kept going on. I didn't realise I was doing it. Until I was in a meeting. A little voice in my head said "They have all told you to stop, Tanya- it's time to stop". Well- it hit me like a tonne of bricks. That realisation was painful, because- quite frankly, I didn't (and don't) want to stop.
But I decided to "take it easy" not be so worried about being 100%. I even went to a friend's on Friday and over-nommed on pizza and crisps.
Over the space of 2 weeks I happened to LOSE- 3.5lb.
That 3.5lb got my my 10 1/2 stone award and I now weigh 11 stone-something. Not exactly the plan but I am happy. I haven't had a sticker or award since July- I've kinda missed it! To top it off I got Slimmer of the Month too with a very respectable 12 1/2lb off in January.
But now I am kinda in limbo- I can set a target now- as I'm over 7lb away from my previous target- or I could gain 4 1/2lb to get back to my original target range. This week I have overdone the food already- tomorrow I have a meal at Red Hot World Buffet with a couple of old uni friends and we all know where that can lead!!! I said that I'd see where I am next week and maybe make a decision...
Who knew maintaining would be so hard? Don't get me wrong- it is worth it- I can do so many things that I couldn't at one time! But I do find it hard every so often.
But I was told that nothing worthwhile was ever easy- how true that is!
Anyway- I have been down with a bad chest infection lately and I've come out of it. I'm off work for 10 days and I have lots planned- including going over to see my Uncle in Middlesborough for a couple of days. I'm going to enjoy myself, relax, recharge my batteries.
There is a lot to natter about but it's already late- I just wanted to touch base. I'll catch up soon, hopefully. I miss blogging! I hope that my get-up-and-go is back now!!!
Much Love,
Tanya x
Join me on my journey of slimmingness (yes-it is totally a word) I started Slimming World at 22 1/2 stone, initially wanting to lose 10 stone. After 6 months of being at target I have changed my target. So here is my journey to lose HALF of my body weight, reach target and continue on the road of maintaining! Musings, recipes and randomness lie ahead!
Wednesday, 30 January 2013
Wednesday, 9 January 2013
Body Magic, Losses and Target Changes!
Sounds like a busy week, huh?
Hi guys- I hope you're all well. Sometimes I sit here and try to think of something profound or amazing, and after 1 line I just go "not today" and go back to my Farmville 2 (yes, I'm that sad that I play farmville 2)
Anyway- I've been putting off posting for a week now, just because my head has been full of tumbleweeds and dust. So a quick blowout of the cobwebs and let's talk about my week.
I was really good this week, every single day until Tuesday, weigh day. Don't ask me why but my hands and mouth thought it was a good idea to share a packet of rainbow drops and a couple of my mum's choccies. Sometimes my body goes ahead and does it's own thing even though my head is shouting "Tanya, what are you doing? Tanya! Stahp!!!" (Sorry a little "meme reference, but you get the idea!)
Anyway- I went to my 5pm group as normal (even though I was meant to be going to support Caz on her first group, but long story, still feeling miffed, let's just not go there today- all that I can say is I wasn't able to go so it was weigh in as normal). Oh my goodness! New people everywhere!! It was great to see. I hope they all come back- genuinely.
I lost 3.5lb this week. That's 10lb in 12 days. It takes me under my target range by 2lb (5lb under my target weight). So I changed my target! My new target is 11st 3lb in weight- an 11st 4lb weight loss! I'm 1lb away from my 10 1/2 stone award and 1 1/2lb away from getting into the 11's so that's what I hope for this week!
I did overindulge to the max after weigh in though! It was my first time since I started back on plan on Boxing Day. I did feel like a grot this morning because I didn't stop eating. So today- back on plan and loving it!
Today I actually decided, to undo damage of last night, to get the Wii out and get back on the body magic, like I did before I got to target! I did an hour on Just Dance 3, bopping around like an idiot, building up a sweat....It probably wasn't pretty but the curtains were drawn and it was just me- so it was ok! I felt awesome- I felt so healthy! I hope that I can do at least half an hour of extra body magic (not just walking) over the next week- especially while I'm off work (back in on Sunday)
I'm going to buy a 6-week countdown (paying for 6 weeks in one go- pay for 5, get 1 week free) on Tuesday- since I have 12lb to go. That should hopefully take me to target!!!
What else is going on here?
Well- my stepdad-to-be, Arty and his 2 daughters are officially moving in tomorrow. It only really hit me this evening while I was at a friend's house. Not really sure how I'm feeling about that. I just think that me worrying about what's going to happen isn't going to change anything so I'm going to try and not worry.
It's Niall's 21st on Tuesday, we are meant to be going out for a meal on Tuesday but I read on facebook that he's not at all well- so not sure whether we're going or not. If we don't there's always time in a few weeks! Get well soon Niall!
And that's it really! I have to get to bed- it's late and I need to get my sleeping pattern sorted again before work on Sunday!
I just remembered that I haven't coloured in my hearts for my Valentines' challenge! I'll get right on that!
I hope you're all well and that your New Year has started off great!
Much Love,
Tanya x
Hi guys- I hope you're all well. Sometimes I sit here and try to think of something profound or amazing, and after 1 line I just go "not today" and go back to my Farmville 2 (yes, I'm that sad that I play farmville 2)
Anyway- I've been putting off posting for a week now, just because my head has been full of tumbleweeds and dust. So a quick blowout of the cobwebs and let's talk about my week.
I was really good this week, every single day until Tuesday, weigh day. Don't ask me why but my hands and mouth thought it was a good idea to share a packet of rainbow drops and a couple of my mum's choccies. Sometimes my body goes ahead and does it's own thing even though my head is shouting "Tanya, what are you doing? Tanya! Stahp!!!" (Sorry a little "meme reference, but you get the idea!)
Anyway- I went to my 5pm group as normal (even though I was meant to be going to support Caz on her first group, but long story, still feeling miffed, let's just not go there today- all that I can say is I wasn't able to go so it was weigh in as normal). Oh my goodness! New people everywhere!! It was great to see. I hope they all come back- genuinely.
I lost 3.5lb this week. That's 10lb in 12 days. It takes me under my target range by 2lb (5lb under my target weight). So I changed my target! My new target is 11st 3lb in weight- an 11st 4lb weight loss! I'm 1lb away from my 10 1/2 stone award and 1 1/2lb away from getting into the 11's so that's what I hope for this week!
I did overindulge to the max after weigh in though! It was my first time since I started back on plan on Boxing Day. I did feel like a grot this morning because I didn't stop eating. So today- back on plan and loving it!
Today I actually decided, to undo damage of last night, to get the Wii out and get back on the body magic, like I did before I got to target! I did an hour on Just Dance 3, bopping around like an idiot, building up a sweat....It probably wasn't pretty but the curtains were drawn and it was just me- so it was ok! I felt awesome- I felt so healthy! I hope that I can do at least half an hour of extra body magic (not just walking) over the next week- especially while I'm off work (back in on Sunday)
I'm going to buy a 6-week countdown (paying for 6 weeks in one go- pay for 5, get 1 week free) on Tuesday- since I have 12lb to go. That should hopefully take me to target!!!
What else is going on here?
Well- my stepdad-to-be, Arty and his 2 daughters are officially moving in tomorrow. It only really hit me this evening while I was at a friend's house. Not really sure how I'm feeling about that. I just think that me worrying about what's going to happen isn't going to change anything so I'm going to try and not worry.
It's Niall's 21st on Tuesday, we are meant to be going out for a meal on Tuesday but I read on facebook that he's not at all well- so not sure whether we're going or not. If we don't there's always time in a few weeks! Get well soon Niall!
And that's it really! I have to get to bed- it's late and I need to get my sleeping pattern sorted again before work on Sunday!
I just remembered that I haven't coloured in my hearts for my Valentines' challenge! I'll get right on that!
I hope you're all well and that your New Year has started off great!
Much Love,
Tanya x
Wednesday, 2 January 2013
Chinese Treat and Starting the Valentine's Challenge
Hey you guys! Had a little break yesterday- I spent a lot of time replying to some lovely inboxes off people, thanks for everyone who sent me a message- it means a lot to know that my blog is helping others- and I genuinely love to hear your stories! So please don't hesitate to inbox me, let me know how you're getting on- I might start turning into an "Agony Aunt Flutterby" heehee. But feel free to say hello Here is my Facebook Page
Anyway- first things first- I'd like to announce that my little brother has been made permanent in his job at Asda! It's a little family affair this- mum, myself and now Niall- we just need to get the stepdad a porter's job and we'll have it made! So well done gimp, so proud of you! (had to announce it- he moans that he doesn't get a mention in my blog often, so thought I'd throw that in there!!)
So the start of the Valentine's Challenge! For those of you who don't know what it is, I made up a little challenge- there are 14 hearts on the page- between now and Valentines day for every pound you lose (if you want to aim for 2lb a week) or every 1/2lb you lose (aiming for 1lb a week) colour in a heart.
The link is here if you want to check out the picture, just print it off and get started with us! There are 2 people and myself who have taken pictures, so why not join us? Print it off, take a picture with your progress, or even if you're just starting and haven't weighed in yet, I'll put you up here with us!
Here are the "official" challenge participants so far:
So what are you waiting for? Get a piccy uploaded- come join us! Let's get those hearts filled up in time for Valentines Day!!
So yes- weigh in was tonight- I was hopeful- sticking to plan all week! It was a short week, only 6 days. But that was ok! I was determined and nothing was going to get in my way!
And I stepped on the dreaded black box and it noted a 6 1/2lb weight loss! Fantastic for a short week- well fantastic in general! So happy! I not only got back into my target range (so didn't have to pay!) but I reclaimed my 10 stone award and I'm 1 1/2lb under my target weight!
Group was great- small but perfectly formed! Got some recipes for pasta and chicken, going to try one or 2 out this week!
I wanted to treat myself to a chicken and black bean sauce from my favourite chippy, but I called them when I left group and they were closed!! But the chinese round the corner from mine was open so thought I'd check it out- not half bad! Had more veggies in it too! yum yum! Weighed it and calculated 9 1/2 syns for the whole lot- definitely worth it!!
I'm in work tomorrow-2 more shifts until 9 whole days off! More time for body magic and hopefully more losses!
So what's the plan weight wise?
Well- I'm 2lb away from being out of target. So I hope to get that when I get weighed in 6 days time. That way the week after I'll change my target. I'm 4 1/2lb away from my 10 1/2 stone award and 5lb away from getting into the next stone bracket- I would love to be there by 15th Jan (Niall's birthday!)
Anyway- I'm going to head off for a cup of tea, maybe even a hot chocolate! I've had 11.5 syns today so enough syns for a hot choc and still be on plan!
Much Love,
Tanya x
Anyway- first things first- I'd like to announce that my little brother has been made permanent in his job at Asda! It's a little family affair this- mum, myself and now Niall- we just need to get the stepdad a porter's job and we'll have it made! So well done gimp, so proud of you! (had to announce it- he moans that he doesn't get a mention in my blog often, so thought I'd throw that in there!!)
So the start of the Valentine's Challenge! For those of you who don't know what it is, I made up a little challenge- there are 14 hearts on the page- between now and Valentines day for every pound you lose (if you want to aim for 2lb a week) or every 1/2lb you lose (aiming for 1lb a week) colour in a heart.
The link is here if you want to check out the picture, just print it off and get started with us! There are 2 people and myself who have taken pictures, so why not join us? Print it off, take a picture with your progress, or even if you're just starting and haven't weighed in yet, I'll put you up here with us!
Here are the "official" challenge participants so far:
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Nicola C from South Wales- looking very festive in her hat too! |
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The lovely Tanya L from Conwy, N Wales over 5 stone lost so far but is joining us with the challenge- woohoo! |
And of course- lil me! Already started, colouring in this weeks' loss! |
So yes- weigh in was tonight- I was hopeful- sticking to plan all week! It was a short week, only 6 days. But that was ok! I was determined and nothing was going to get in my way!
And I stepped on the dreaded black box and it noted a 6 1/2lb weight loss! Fantastic for a short week- well fantastic in general! So happy! I not only got back into my target range (so didn't have to pay!) but I reclaimed my 10 stone award and I'm 1 1/2lb under my target weight!
Group was great- small but perfectly formed! Got some recipes for pasta and chicken, going to try one or 2 out this week!
I wanted to treat myself to a chicken and black bean sauce from my favourite chippy, but I called them when I left group and they were closed!! But the chinese round the corner from mine was open so thought I'd check it out- not half bad! Had more veggies in it too! yum yum! Weighed it and calculated 9 1/2 syns for the whole lot- definitely worth it!!
I'm in work tomorrow-2 more shifts until 9 whole days off! More time for body magic and hopefully more losses!
So what's the plan weight wise?
Well- I'm 2lb away from being out of target. So I hope to get that when I get weighed in 6 days time. That way the week after I'll change my target. I'm 4 1/2lb away from my 10 1/2 stone award and 5lb away from getting into the next stone bracket- I would love to be there by 15th Jan (Niall's birthday!)
Anyway- I'm going to head off for a cup of tea, maybe even a hot chocolate! I've had 11.5 syns today so enough syns for a hot choc and still be on plan!
Much Love,
Tanya x
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