Saturday, 3 December 2011


Haha- bet you weren't expecting me were you?

I'm sorry bloggees- I have received a few stern words from people due to my lack of updates. I do have a very valid reason (I think)

Last Saturday I got told off for my terrible sleeping pattern (aka going to bed at 5am and waking up at some point in the afternoon- usually about 1.30pm). Basically, what happened was, my friend was coming over for a coffee. I did set my alarm for midday, giving me plenty of time to get up, get changed and potter about for a bit. Right? 

Well- in theory that would work great- but I never take into consideration the fact that I can sleep through any alarm. 

My poor friend was waiting outside for me (albeit not for long) and my mum had to let her in (when she got home from work). I felt terrible! And after a few stern words from her (she's a retired teacher- you can imagine what "stern words" means!) I thought it was a good idea to get back into a regular routine.

So since then (with the exception of tonight) I've been in bed before midnight and up between 8am and 10.30am (which is a huge improvement). It was hard work though.

Tonight, I was planning on going to bed about 1, but I started listening to music, uh oh. So I'm going to write this and head off to the land of nod!

Anyway- since the getting up early thing, I've been moving around more- getting out the house, spending a bit less time on the computer. I have always written these around this time of night (at stupid o'clock) so every time I remember to do this, the computer is off and I'm in bed. So, I'm sorry about that! But here I am now!

What have I got up to?

Well- on Monday, I did a lot of errands, did about 2 hours of walking or something. In the evening I helped Julie set up the room for SW on Tuesday (well-she was nearly done when I got there- I kept her company more than anything.) I got used to the "festiveness" of the room (bah humbug!)

Tuesday was, of course, weigh day. It was pretty activity filled. In the morning I watched Jeremy Kyle (my guilty pleasure!) while making christmas gifts for friends (my cost effective way of gifting people!). I went to the 1pm group to wait for my friend and after the group I went to hers for a bit. I finished off the presents while I was there (4 of them) and got them packed up to send. All 4 were international packages (But I'm not saying who- it's a surprise!) I then walked to my group (after posting the packages) and got weighed.

I lost 2.5lb! I was ecstatic, because that 2.5lb made it a stone in a month- something I hadn't done yet! So I was over the moon. I got Slimmer of the Month too. 

This week, too, I had a job interview! Yep! I applied for a position at Asda and the group interviews were yesterday (Friday). It was mad-there were 9 of us. We had to split into groups of 2 and make a tower out of marshmallows and spaghetti. It was so fun! There was a 1 to 1 interview too, and forms to fill in. I think I did ok. I will apparently hear back about that next week. It's only temporary, but it's some money I can put in the bank!

Work has been a little frustrating. We're being told that basically we're not doing our job properly. Which we are. All I want to say about that is that I'm trying to gain acceptance that my boss and I are not going to see eye to eye. I love the job- apart from the 10 minutes before my shift on a Friday. I shouldn't let 10 minutes ruin my 10 hours a week! I'll get there. I just need to be patient.

Anyhoo- this week I am focussed. I want to lose 2.5lb again- to get my 6 stone award! I don't know if I'll make it, but I have been good, going to do some more walking tomorrow and monday to hopefully shed a bit more. Here's hoping!!!

I hope you lot haven't missed me too much! Once I get used to my new routine, I should find it easier to update this. I know- I be bad!

Now- time for bed. I don't want to be going to bed any later and then end up sleeping in til stupid o'clock again! I actually like daytime! More sunlight and energy!

Until next time....

Much Love,
Tanya x

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