Sunday, 4 March 2012

More responsibility- and G Day tomorrow!!

 So I was in the shop on my own tonight. Overtime, scary stuff. Ok, I wasn't *really* on my own, Niall came to keep me company for the last hour or so, but I was the only one serving/cashing up.

And of course I'm paranoid that I forgot something!

I did, nearly, forget to put the signs in. It was only as I was leaving the shop did I go "crap! signs!!" and we put them in before locking up. I did forget to brush and mop....and to do a z reading on the little till...but I am *sure* I did everything else! Oh well, will find out tomorrow when I go to hand the keys in. 

I can cash up fine when I'm working with Abby or Ronnie, but for some reason because I was the only person there who knew what they were doing...I was a bit panicky. You know me, natural worrier and panicker!

So, tomorrow is my day off. No work- at all. Hurrah! So I have a busy day planned!

So it's G day...... G is for Gym!

I'm going to activate my gym pass tomorrow! Which means a bit of gymming and swimming hopefully! Since I have a swimming costume now, I need to try it out, right? I'm also meeting up with Chris for coffee in the afternoon and calling Canada at 5pm, for my weekly natter with Marg. 

I feel like I haven't been as active this week, since I've done some checkout hours, I still hope for a good loss (of course, the sneaky peek on the Wii says a not so great loss, but that's's not official!)

Weigh day is coming up fast again- it's scary stuff! I have been good. The only thing that wasn't "good" was the Creme Egg I had last night at work, but that was still within my syns. 9 syns and totally worth it!! I do need to eat more fruit and veg though- I've been a bit lax lately.

Anyway- I am heading to bed- after I've made myself my bedtime cuppa! I need my energy for all the planned body magic tomorrow!

Much Love,
Tanya x

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