Thursday, 26 April 2012

Woah! *slaps wrist*

I be so bad! Sorry guys- there have been a few times that I have got on here to update but things have been so manic it's unreal! Let's try to condense it all into one post, shall we?

Firstly- Blogger have changed the layout of this site- and boy is it confusing me! Not that it takes much! (Yes I know you were thinking that!) So I might be getting a bit lost on here. Jeeze- I don't post for 2 weeks (nearly) and the whole site changes! How rude!

So- a lot of different things happening here! 

Of course- greatest mention- I'm a mini celebrity at the moment! My weight loss story is in the local rag! I basically called up the paper last Wednesday (the day before my "Slimaversary"- a year since starting SW) and asked them if they'd be interested in my story- explaining that I had lost 9 stone 3lb in less than a year. I got a call back off a reporter and we had a phone interview. The next day she and a photographer came to my place and took a picture. The story was on the site the very same day!

The paper actually got delivered today (or yesterday for some lucky people!) So I've had people stop me (mainly in work) and say "hey! I saw you in the paper!" It was pretty awesome. A bit embarrassing too though! But I'm sure i'll get used to it!

So what else has happened?

Well- I had my initial appointment with the therapy people. It went well. The appointment was last Wednesday. I got a call back off the woman on Friday to confirm what I'm going to be given (20 counselling sessions) and I got a letter yesterday confirming my first appointment! Unfortunately- I'm working a grand total of 3 hours during the week next week and of course my appointment falls within those 3 hours! So I have to change it! But I'll get there eventually, I know this! I'm actually looking forward to getting started. Anything to get my head sorted, I'm willing to give a fair go! So crossing fingers it helps!

This week I lost 2lb. Which, considering I'm not far from target, is pretty good. But I have been quite off beam and my eating has suffered. I had a few naughty noms last Monday. Then on Tuesday after work I went to see a friend and I had a small piece of Herman cake and a couple of small handfuls of licorice allsorts. Then after weigh in I had a lovely roast dinner (cooked by mum) followed by a blowout of 3 creme eggs and 2 malteaster bunnies! I went to visit a friend then came home and devoured 2 pieces of butter on toast! Even though I don't feel mega guilt for doing it- I do feel like a bit of a dink. I can't do anything about it though- all I can do is look forward and hope for a nice loss next week (2 1/2lb would be nice- for my 9 1/2 stone award and to get into the 12 stones!).

So, my friend Kate and I have a bet going. We're having a race to target- winner gets afternoon tea paid for by the loser. I have 9lb to target whereas Kate needs 12.5lb. Advantage me, but I seem to be hitting a steady pace- I don't know how she's going to lose in the coming weeks- so slightly nervous- especially since it's my birthday in a week and I have my holiday to contend with too! But I'm up for a challenge! And I hate paying for things, so the race is on!

Work has been a bit thin lately. Only a few short shifts, albeit a bit every day. But next week I'm doing just over 3 hours Sunday and 3 hours Monday. I was hoping for a bit more, just because I know that it's going to be stopping soon- but every penny counts. I'm making the most of it- I still love that job!

Ok it is time for bed for this flutterby. I'm hoping the rain eases up tomorrow so I can go for a jog- need to get training for the race for life! I've found myself jogging a bit more lately- need to get the practice in!

I need to get my bum into gear really- I have a few tasty recipes to post on here- because I haven't posted any in an AGE. It's on the list- I have a lot to do, even though I'm not working- but doing proper updates and posts on here is near the top of my "to do" list! So stay tuned!

Much Love,
Tanya x

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