Sunday, 27 May 2012

Accountability, Emotional times and New Friends!

Oh dear- I really should read my previous posts before I get too scared to share that I've struggled- goodness me! I thought "oh no- it's going to be really hard to explain how bad I've been" but I already admitted it last time!

I've been putting off and putting I am! 

First things first- my holiday was awesome! 5 days of sun, food and good company. Ok, a bit more food than I should have eaten, but I did enjoy myself- and boy did I get my money worth!!!!

I knew by the Friday (the day we were flying back) that I overindulged a bit too much- when the jeans that were loose when we flew out were mega tight when I went to put them on again! Oops!!!

Anyway- I was fully intending on reining it back in and doing some damage limitation in time for the Tuesday....did it work like that? Not quite! I got the holiday blues and just started comfort eating. I couldn't stop! It was like going back to my old behaviour and it was so hard to get out of it! It actually scared me because I thought I was going out of control.

So- I made a decision. I decided to get weighed on Monday, in a different group, with a different consultant, hoping that it would make a difference.

I wandered down to the Poulton Vics, about a 20 minute walk (ish) away. The consultant, Lesley, was lovely. I mean, I'm quite attached to Julie, so she's of course my favourite consultant, but Lesley was really good. 

I stood on the scales and cringed when I saw the woman write in my pack...

9.5lb 13 days.

If I do things, I tend to do them well. I might as well have a gain of epic proportions!!!

To be honest- as soon as I stepped off those scales, I felt instantly mentally lighter. I enjoyed the group, got a lot of ideas and motivation and actually left with a smile on my face. I walked home, called Julie and told her how it went and chatted to her all the way home.

I knew I had 8 days to pull it back (because I wanted to go back to my normal group the following week). I have really been a saint this week! Measured my milk every time! I've even cut down my yoghurts to 2 a day- rather than 3-4!

Anyway- I'm hopefully for weigh in on Tuesday- I hope to have lost a big chunk of that gain!

So what else have I been up to? Well!! Friday was our charity ball, organised by our local Slimming World team. It was a black tie event, so an excuse to dress up all pretty! It was mentioned a while ago that there was a "mystery national celeb" coming to the night.

Of course- I knew who it was!! By accident of course. I actually knew for a month- because the celeb themselves told me! Not knowing that they were a secret.

It was the SW current Woman of the Year- Carole Wright. If you don't do SW then you won't really know who she is, if you DO do SW then you should know! If you don't, then it's wrong and you should read her story! This woman is amazing, seriously. She's lost just shy of 20 stone and is happily settled in her target and is living an amazing life, thanks to SW. She goes to lots of different groups and tells her story and inspires so many people. I've read her story a few times but I never heard it first hand until Friday...more about that in a minute.

Caz and I had been talking on facebook for the best part of the month- and I believe we have become pretty good friends. It's mental how much 2 people can have in common- but we do appear to be quite similar. Which makes me glad- because she's an amazing person!

People can lose a lot of weight and not necessarily be inspirational. Sometimes, the number is irrelevant. You can lose 15-20 stone and still be a complete douche-rocket. But Caz actually is one of those people who doesn't let it get to her head and goes to these groups and does these talks for free. Why? Because SW has given her so much and she wants to pay something back (i'm guessing). 

Anyhoo because I knew she was coming, we planned to meet up for coffee, then dinner, before the do. So we met in New Brighton (me, Caz and her husband, Steve) and we had a right laugh! It's mental that we've only known each other a month yet we can hit it off like that so quick!

Dinner was lovely, a tasty carvery. Then we went our separate ways and got ready for the do. 

It was a great night. She got up on stage, in front of nearly 300 people, and told her story. Never before has a weight loss story hit home so hard. It actually brought a few things back for me, which I will probably talk about in a later blog post. I cried listening to her story- a lot. It was very emotional- hardly any dry eyes in the room. But the inspiration was immense!

Later on in the evening we did a charity balloon release. I bought a tag and I wrote on it...

I realised that I was holding on to "fat Tanya" still- even over nine stone (ish) lighter. I have, most of the way through this journey, thought I was still fat. Truth is, I'm not! I'm an average size. Ok, a touch overweight now but I am really close to a "normal" weight for my height. Which is absolutely amazing.

I needed to let go of "fat Tanya".

So I attached the tag to a balloon and when everyone was outside, we counted down and released the balloons. I watched as mine disappeared off over the rooftops and I felt mixed emotions- part of me was happy to have done that, part of me felt a bit scared of this new life that I was about to embark on- as "normal, garden variety" Tanya. Less defenses, more vulnerability. No longer can I hide behind my wall that is my size. I'm here, more or less "naked"- ready to face the world (but I don't want to scare people so I'd better get dressed first!)

While I was having an emotional moment, as were many others, Caz came over and gave me a massive hug. The bish wouldn't let go and I ended up crying! I did warn her to let go or I'd snot on her shoulder but she didn't listen. It was lovely, because I knew that she understood what I did and how big a deal it was. 

We all enjoyed the rest of the night then, I watched people get drunk, we danced and had a right giggle!

Just before I left, I said bye to Caz and Steve, and we've made plans (Caz and I) to go on a trip to Liverpool- shopping and lunch- when she gets back from her SW duties over in Germany! I can't wait!

It's lovely to have a friend who understands exactly where I'm coming from with my weight loss- someone who is at target and knows first hand the struggles of having so much to lose. I'm a lucky girly really.

That and she's all famous and stuff! I bet YOU can't say you're mates with a famous person! So there! I'm awesome!

Here are a couple of piccies from the night anyway (just a few of me with people)
Carole and I
Myself and Alan
(chief money taker at the 1pm group)

Carole, Me and Julie
 (my awesome consultant)
 So it was a great time! It's been a bit of a weird couple of weeks, some accepting needed to be done but a lot of good times have been had!

Julie and I
My second counselling appointment is in about 8 hours. I'll talk about that more next time- I've just realised how long this post is! I should put a warning on the top really!!!

I'm definitely planning on getting back in this blogging thing. A few people have said to me in the past that they've found my posts helpful....really I need to get back into the recipe side of things- especially now that I have some shiny new recipe books!! So watch this space (I say that a lot- but really- watch it!!)

I'm back on track until target now! Tuesday will be the first week that I will actually be paying to get weighed- every other time I've had a countdown. I'm refusing to do this, because I want to get to target in less than 5 weeks- which would make a countdown worthless. This might just spur me on!!!

Also- race for life in 3 week! Eek!! I need to get back into that training! This week- for definite! 

Ok off I go to bed- with a syn free milkshake (muahahaha- I'm going to make you wait! It's worth sticking around for!) and a hifi light bar (I've only had 1 syn so far today!)

 Hope you haven't missed me too much!! I shall be back very soon!!

Much Love, 

Tanya x

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