Sunday, 22 July 2012

A case of the lonelies

Hiya everyone!

Yeah, so mum is away on holiday for a little while so I am rattling around the house on my own. I'm feeling a touch lonely and it's getting me down a bit. But, I am keeping myself busy- pottering around the house, going for walks and of course, work!

The weather seems to be picking up (hopefully!) so that always lifts my moods up. I enjoyed the walk to work and back and had a little wander round the corner this evening with a friend. The fresh air definitely does me good!

I seem to have a few more hours in work the next couple of weeks- which is good. It means more money. I'm planning on saving a bit since I am not going to be working for a week in September as well as an extra day I am hoping to book off, in case I am lucky enough to be voted group Woman of the Year and then it's off to districts. I'm not being presumptuous here, there are a few contenders. If I don't get voted in, that's ok. I won't go on a tantrum overload or anything! But it's just in case- I would hate to get through then have to work. But, that is time off and that means less money coming in. That is, indeed, if I am still at Asda in September! I hope I am- I would feel lonely if I wasn't!

I'm really looking forward to Tuesday. Caz is coming over in the morning, so after weigh in (I'll have to get weighed at 1pm again...) we're going for lunch. Don't know what after that but lunch is a definite plan! It'll be a laugh- it's great to spend time with her- we seem to have a lot in common. That, and she's a really good friend!

I'm counting down the holiday still- 9 weeks and 1 day to go! So excited! Not completely sorted but I have plenty of time to go before then and a lot to do beforehand. I'm definitely going to be busy the next couple of months!

I'll have to get on with cooking at some point soon- I haven't done a recipe in an age! Watch this space for something new- must get the cook books out!

Ok, time to get some cleaning done. Chris is coming over for lunch tomorrow and I have a 7 hour shift in work afterwards- so want to get as much done as possible!)

Much Love,
Tanya x

1 comment:

  1. Hiya. I've just found your blog so thought i'd have a nosey about. I'm about to start slimming (again) and started a blog at the ready.. Well done in your weight loss so far chuck x
