Tonight's blog post is brought to you by Heather Small (proud). I don't usually post links but this song is amazing! If you need a pick me up- listen to this song- listen to the lyrics!!
Sometimes I listen to this when I feel down and deflated. It makes me remember how far I've come with EVERYTHING- not just my weight loss!
Anyway- today I want to dedicate my blog mostly to what is one of the most traditional British meals- the Roast dinner!
I love my roasts- beef or chicken, today it was beef. People think that you can't have a roast dinner and lose weight- I'm here to tell you that you totally can!!!
So what is usually in a roast dinner? let's look at it shall we? (This is an extra easy perspective- some of these things are not free if you're on Green or Original days- check your book or with your consultant if you are unsure!)
Well- firstly we have the meat. Beef, lamb or chicken. We just stick to the basic rules of meat- cut all the fatty bits off and don't add any oil/butter. Roast it "naked"- a bit of water to stop it from sticking.
Veggies- broccoli, carrots, swede/turnip, sprouts, cabbage, peas, green beans....the list goes on! Most vegetables are superfree (check your Food Optimising book for the full list!) and make your plate so colourful!
Mashed potato- ok well potatoes are syn free aren't they? As my best mate says "a potato is a potato, it's what you do with it that makes it syns". Adding butter, mayo, cream, milk that's where the syns are! So how do we make a syn free mash? Simple! just boil the spuds- mash them and add either a little bit of quark soft cheese, or beat an egg in it. Or, if you want to use minimal syns (which I don't personally but your syns are there to be enjoyed) Hellmann's Lighter than Light mayo is only 1/2 syn per level tablespoon!
Roasties- another nono, right? WRONG! There is such thing as a syn free roast potato- I'm not kidding!
Simply boil your spuds for 10 minutes or so. Then stick on a tray- spray with frylight and bung in the oven until brown!
Stuffing- if you want the ready made stuff it will set you back about 4 syns per 50g. That's too many syns and not enough stuffing for me personally!! So I have found a syn-free alternative.Granted it's not the perfect stuffing but it goes really well on my plate- Linda McCartney Rosemary and Red Onion sausages! Totally syn free and they are lovely. just stick one in the oven and have a try as a stuffing replacement!
Gravy- according to the app it works out at about 1 1/2 syns per 100ml gravy (Using Bisto Best as an example). I would probably have about 2 1/2 syns worth- maybe more! But I want a syn free version! Of course I have one! This is how I make my syn free gravy:
dry fry a chopped onion, add hot water (enough for however many you're making it for). If it's for 2 people then add 2-3 crushed beef oxo cubes in and a dash of Worcestershire sauce. Stir well and simmer for a few minutes to let it thicken. Alternatively you can do it in the microwave (I've been told).
Yorkshire Pud- ok no syn free version here but there are some that are smaller- and lower syns. I had an Asda Smartprice one- 2 syns.....BLOODY TINY!!! I looked at it in disappointment- nearly didn't eat it in protest! But I did nom it and it was tasty....I just don't think I will bother personally- but if you want to feel included and think a Yorkie will complete your meal- there are some that range between 2-4 syns depending on the size and brand.
So my roast dinner tonight was beef with boiled spuds (couldn't be bothered mashing) a couple of roasties, 2 sausages, broccoli, peas, green beans, carrot and swede-with a yorkshire pud and gravy- the whole meal? 2 syns!
I saved room for pudding- which consisted of grapes, berries and melon with a muller yog!
I was suitably stuffed to say the least! But it's great that I can have proper, filling meals that feel a little "naughty".
When I tried losing weight before Slimming World, I was lead to believe that things like carbs were bad- no potatoes, no pasta, no rice or pulses....even meat should be limited. Basically if you live off carrot sticks and celery (gag!) then you'll get skinny!
IT'S LIES!!! Look at what I can eat- and I am here 10 1/2 stone lighter than I was less than 2 years ago! So get eating- fill up on those free foods and superfree!
I do love the Slimming World plan- especially Extra Easy!
Anyway- this is my diary for the whole day:
Breakfast- yoghurt and rocky road (3 syns)
Break- beans and tomatoes, 2x apple, 2x satsuma, pear
Lunch- left over dregs of the pasta from last night (there wasn't much left!)
followed by 2x skinny lizzies (2 syns), 2 rosemary and red onion sausages, 2 eggs, 3 bacon on toast (60g wholemeal- HEB).yoghurt for pudding
Dinner- big roast (2 syns for yorkshire pud) followed by grapes, berries, melon and yog
Snacks- fromage frais, melon
Total syns- 7
HEA- milk in tea
HEB- wholemeal bread
Only 1 more full day until weigh day- nervous? Of course I am!! But I have been 100% on plan so I should get a good result!
Now- early night for me- work in the morning and going to have a little walk with my friend Kate- last minute body magic session!
Much Love,
Tanya x
P.S don't forget to check out my Fat Flutterby Facebook Page!! (nearly at 200 "likes"- amazing!!)
love a roastie dinner I had one today it was so good x