I lose *drum roll*
3lb! Yep lil me, in one week, lost 3lb- and there was me feeling all negative! Well- I did work hard- and I earned every pound. That meant that I got my 4 1/2 stone award- and it put me under the next stone bracket (17 stone 12lb) and I got a smiley face sticker.
I got joint slimmer of the week too- which I was not expecting! I was over the moon.
My mum's friend joined up this week- which I'm grateful for- because for the last 3 weeks there has been a "bring a friend" promotion. Basically- in that time, if you take a friend with you, you get a free week. So for me, it gets added to the end of my countdown. I think that takes me to New Year now! I'm all sorted until 2012! Wow- scary stuff!
Today (Wednesday 19th) is exactly 6 months since I started Slimming World. I don't know if it's gone quick or slow. It's one of those- it feels like it was only a few weeks ago that I joined up- but I feel like I've been there forever!
Today was a really good day! My mum's friend (the one who joined SW) texted me to tell me about some job adverts going up on the job centre website. I gave her a call and she gave me the codes and a phone number to call. The jobs are in a new restaurant opening in December. The jobs are the likes of bar staff, waitressing, kitchen porter, etc. So I called the number and requested an appointment for the open day. So next Wednesday, at 4pm, I shall be hopefully impressing the people there with my awesomeness! My little bro (hey Niall!) has an appointment at the same time (that I made for him- being such an awesome sister!) I think it would be really cool if we could work together- definitely would be awesome.
Anyhoo- after that, I went into Liscard, to put in my Mum's prescription. While I was waiting, I decided to go into New Look. The shop in Liscard only does "normal sizes". a.k.a- they don't have the "Inspire" section (which is the size 16-28 section..or something). The normal shop stocks sizes 8-18 (there's a bit of an overlap).Anyway- I noticed that all jeans were 25% off, so definitely thought it was good to have a look. They had one pair of size 18 bootcut jeans (I'm not quite at the stage where I feel comfortable in "skinny jeans") so I decided to try them on. WELL. They are very tight- but I can button AND zip them up! yahoo! So I decided to buy them. They were normally £10 but the discount made them nice and cheap. I made a passing comment about student discount- I just said something like "I'm guessing the 10% discount doesn't apply now?" The girl checked and indeed it did count! Thank goodness I still have my old uni card! It's still in date- might as well use it, right? So my jeans cost £6.74- happy days!

Anyway- then I got the bus to New Brighton- I was just going to head to Morrisons to get my sausages- but decided to get off the bus at my dads to check his post- and to see if there was anything for me. I popped in to see his neighbour, Sylvia. She's an awesome woman- she's 83 but is so energetic and full of life. I love spending time with her, chatting about what the area was like during the war. I enjoyed a lovely cuppa with her and wandered down the hill to Morrisons. Got the last 2 packs of skinny lizzie sausages and a fat free Onken yoghurt (which I never had before and I just adore). So at least I have enough sausages for a few days....
So- that is my day- it's been busy- I hope you kept up with all that!
I do need to update this more because when I don't I tend to have a lot to say and I don't want to bore everyone with a looooooooooong blog! So I shall make time for more blogging- promise!
Right I'd better go wind down- it's been quite a day!
Much Love,
Tanya x
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