I was very naughty last night and I am pretty miffed about it.
I finished work and went to my Nan's birthday party. To say I was hungry was an understatement and there was NO food there I could eat to stay on plan.
The night dragged on- we left at about midnight, armed with half a chocolate cake for my brother and his boyfriend.
We got to the end of our road and Niall and my mum wanted to walk mum's best mate home, so I was lumbered with the cake. When I got in the house, I put the cake down and I had some icing on my finger....of course, I licked it off- which set off a mahoosive craving for chocolate....so I had a piece, and some extra icing. I was pretty miffed to say the least. I really wanted to do well this week and I think I've blown it.
Anyway- apart from being miffed, what's done is done. But I have been craving sugar all bloody day! So I've been white-knuckling it.
I've been good today- had 5 syns (including milk in my tea) and I did an hour and a half on the wii fit, so hoping that it's damage limitation and I get a half decent loss at least!
Oh- the yoghurt thief (just so everyone knows- it was my little brother!!) made amends. I'll elaborate on that next time, it's a great story so stay tuned folks!!
Tomorrow is going to consist of job searching, clothes sorting and walking, hopefully! I have my breakfast sorted (magic porridge- which is 28g of porridge oats and a yoghurt, mixed up and left in the fridge overnight. I'm going to have fruit with it- yum!) so hope to stay focussed for Tuesday's weigh in!
Now, I am off to bed, to rest my sore leg (I think I've pulled a muscle- it really hurts!)
Much Love,
Tanya x
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