That's all I seem to be suffering from lately. No matter how much I sleep, I am exhausted. But- I am pushing to keep moving forward.
I've had a fab couple of evenings in work. On Friday, the girl I usually work with had some time off, and I worked with the shop owner's husband- a cheery, dancy Jamaican dude. I had a great time- he was fantastic company and we did a lot of boogying to the music!
Tonight was good too, even though I got exhausted at around 8.30, and just crashed. But we made it out for just after 10pm and I walked home and put my feet up.
I went to visit my friend, Chris, today. She lives about half an hour walk away, so I walked there and because I was running late, I got the bus most of the way home (walked the last 10 minutes) It was nice to have a catch up with her and to harass her cats (she's got about 23 or something....but I might be slightly over exaggerating there) She bought me a lovely kitty mug and let me have her copy of this months SW magazine (which I couldn't afford to get myself *sigh*)
Anyway- I have been good this week.the first couple of days I indulged a bit. Not going over my syns, but I went to double digits, which is a lot for me, but I'm pulling it back. Still got 2 whole days and most of Tuesday to get the result I want. I've got 6.5lb to get under 17 stone. I would absolutely LOVE to get that off in the next 2 weeks, but I know that would be immensely difficult- so I'll be content with 3 weeks. Of course- the sooner I get it off the better...So I'm really hoping to be well on my way to the 16's by Tuesday!
I set myself an exercise target for this month. I started doing exercise challenges in July. Basically, it's something that's been around on a forum I go on. You set yourself a challenge to do X amount of hours of exercise in the month. Then, when you have done some exercise, just update, stating how much you have to go.
In July, I set myself a target of 12 hours. I had only just started to get active, so 3 hours a week seemed reasonable. I managed the last 15 minutes on 31st July, with about 5 hours to spare! I have built up my exercise levels over the last 4 or so months.
This months challenge- 30 hours! The highest I've ever set myself. Last month was 25 hours and I think I managed about 26 1/2, so met my target with a bit to spare. 30 hours is an hour a day, so it's a big challenge. But, it's the 5th and I've managed 4 hours 45 minutes so far- so nearly on target.
Fridays and Saturdays are hard to exercise- when I get in from work my feet are so sore I can barely walk, so getting the Wii fit on is more or less impossible. So I try to make up for it Sunday-Thursday. I am going out for the day tomorrow, but when I get back I hope to have enough energy to do a little bit on the Wii fit!
No new recipes yet, but I really want to make a new soup next week- so will have a look at online recipes and see what I can come up with.
Right, I'd better get my bum to bed! I really am exhausted. Actually, I am that tired that this blog probably makes no sense. Oh well, I thought I'd update anyways!
Hopefully the next one will be easier to understand, heehee.
Much Love,
Tanya x
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