This week I had my first ever maintain. It totally could have gone either way, so I am really happy that I at least would potentially be in the running for slimmer of the week next week (not that it's important). I Got weighed at 1pm. Next week, though, back to my group. I miss getting weighed there.
I did go back to the 5pm group yesterday for the Image Therapy- was really good I thought. One reason why I love my group is I've gotten to know most of the people really well. There are a few target, or very nearly target, members and they still go to group, which is a great inspiration for me!
I know it's only wednesday morning, but I am feeling pretty focused. I got up at 10 this morning and I'm waiting for some sausages to cook so I can make a nice big omelette for breakfast. I have a busy day ahead and want to make sure that I'm not hungry! Because if I'm hungry, I'll eat possibly the wrong stuff. I don't want to this week- I want to stay on plan and hope that in the next few weeks I'll pull a few big losses. I need to get back on target TO target! I KNOW I can do it! I just need to remember that all week!!
So my current obsession- omelettes.
I made my first ever one a few days ago- syn free- bacon and onion. It turned out quite well! I made another one the next day (I am NOT addicted...much!). They are really quick and easy though- which is great. They are also so filling- so come in handy when you're mega hungry!!
Things like omelettes (or, say, syn free curries or pasta dishes) make me love Slimming World even more- I can have meals that are filling, really tasty and just awesome- and I'm not going off plan or being "naughty". I can save my syns for other things- like extra alpen light bars or hot chocolate!
So today, as I said, is busy. I'm going to Liverpool for most of the day. I'm going to uni to hand in a drawing board I borrowed off the maths department (which I half forgot I had) then meeting a friend for lunch. After that I'm meeting ANOTHER friend, who I'm selling an old corset to (and hopefully enjoy a cuppa and a natter with her!) Then I'm going to wait for my friend Kate to text me. She's got a manual treadmill she said I can have. Nothing top of the range- but it works and it's free- and I'll hopefully get a lot of use out of it!
Hopefully I'll have some news in my next blog regarding getting a cheap gym pass (for £14.25 a month) which I'm currently working on. Cross those fingers for me please!!
Right- off to enjoy my day. Hope you're all having an awesome one!
Much Love,
Tanya x
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