Monday, 13 February 2012

Spooky Stuff (and new shoes!!!)

Recently, probably over the last few weeks, I have been thinking about some people who I have lost touch with, because of one reason or another.

Some of them I have found via facebook or old emails. There are some, though who I tried to contact but hit dead ends every time I tried.

A few months ago, I tried to find a contact email for my old Connexions advisor (a woman who really helped me keep what little sanity I had between the ages of 16-18). After calling the office she worked at as a manager, it was obvious that I couldn't contact her via her work. I knew she was near retirement age, sadly she had taken retirement.

I was in Birkenhead today, a last minute decision to go get some new trainers (more on that later!). I went into JJB. As I got to the bottom of the stairs, a woman passed me and I thought "she looks familiar". Lo and behold it was my old advisor, Sue! She didn't recognise me at first, which I gotta be honest, was pretty awesome. People say that an upside of losing weight is people notice that they've lost weight. Sorry but there is one thing even better than that- losing so much weight that people don't even recognise you in the first place! It is pretty amusing looking at the shock on their face when they realise who you are!

We chatted for a little while and I gave her my number, so hopefully we can meet up for a coffee and catch up. I found it uber spooky, because just before bumping into her, I was thinking about someone else who I hadn't seen for about 18 months, and when I went to Asda, on the way to JJB, there that person was!!

It's funny how things like that happen eh?

Anyway- on to my new shoes!

One thing I wasn't expecting with weight loss was smaller feet! I have actually gone from a size 8 to a size 7. So my loyal, amazing size 8 trainers were a bit big, and rather heavy on my feet. So, I needed new trainers, since I'm walking a lot more and hoping to get more jogging training done!

I ended up in Sports Direct, and got a lovely pair of trainers- Reebok (same brand as my old ones) for £32. A bit expensive- but since I plan on wearing them every day, I need to make an investment, as it were. There isn't much point in paying, say, half the amount for a pair of half decent trainers that will disintegrate after a few  months!

I got a bit more money off Asda for some reason- so the money I got from them paid for the trainers, with a bit more left over. Happy days!

I have been feeling a bit flat lately, the cold weather and the fact that I'm getting used to a lower dosage of happy pills are zapping me completely of energy. What exercise I am doing I'm basically running on fumes. It's hard to keep going when all I want to do is sleep. 

As well as a few blips this week, I am really not holding much hope for tomorrow's weigh in. I know I say that often, and sometimes I do need to have a bit more faith in myself, but this week has been pretty grim. I'm fully expecting a gain and rather than be all down about it, I'll take it on the chin and accept it. Nothing much I can do about it now, right?

I just hope that this "down" mood and lack of energy moves on pretty sharpish! I haven't felt this bad in a little while. I'm not getting too defeatist about it, it's all normal- even the best of people get crappy times! This too shall pass- and I actually believe it! I'm just impatient and want to feel better NOW!!!

I'm actually going to be kind to myself, rather than be negative about things that I did or didn't do. If I keep staying in the negative and feel sorry for myself I'm going to go back to the way I was, fact! I have lost a LOT of weight in a short space of time. Not many people lose it that fast. I have been pretty fortunate. Ok, so the last few weeks have been a bit poor in comparison to losses in the past- but I should focus on the fact that in less than 10 months I have lost nearly 7 1/2 stone! That is awesome! No one can take that from me!

So, today I am accepting stuff and feeling pretty positive, even though I'm feeling pretty fragile. 

We'll see what the scales say tomorrow! Hopefully they're not too brutal with me!!

I'm going to relax with a nice cup of tea and hopefully get a decent nights sleep.

Much Love,
Tanya x

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