Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Accountability, Acceptance and Target-bound

Ok so I did some silly things today- thought I may as well get them out, then move on, a line will be drawn and that will be the end of that.

I have been really good all week- I can't think of anything that I had done wrong. I had more syns this week but that was knowingly and I was definitely within my allowance of 15 a day- not once did I go over.

I gained 1/2lb this week. God knows where that came from!!

But you know, I was full of acceptance- the scales said what they did and that is ok. Nothing I can do about it now.

Straight after getting weighed, however, I went straight to McDonalds and enjoyed a meal there. Only a regular one, I didn't get a big meal- and yes, I did enjoy it. My first McDonalds in about 15-16 months, at least!

I went back to group- which was very positive, which it always is to be honest, our group is amazing! 

I said to myself that I was going to get chinese on the way home and enjoy that. I get there- it was shut!!! Divine intervention, much? Well.....I should have taken that on board really. I got home, instead and had a few pieces of butter on toast, as well as some chocolate, meringues, syrup.....lots of gunk I shouldn't have had really! I think I have already gone over the weekly allowance! 

It's sad, really, because as I was eating a chocolate bar, I was sitting there going "I don't want this!!!" yet there I was, still eating it! I'm sure some people can identify with this. I'm addicted to food- actually, I tend to get addicted to anything and everything, given half the chance! After I ate it, I felt a bit icky- but at least I saw what I was like. 

I sometimes get like this- I have a binge then think "next time- I won't do it- I'll know better". Of course, it never works like that. I know that it's something I need to look into a bit more. I still think, in my head, "fat Tanya" is there, waddling around, wanting to cause a bit of mayhem and upset. What I need to do is to shut her up- just not with chocolate! 

I am ok now- I really am. You know what though? This is a brand new week now....look what I have....


Here is a gorgeous line- it separates whatever I've done tonight and the previous week with the brand new week that I have to look forward to! Now is a brand new week! What am I going to do about it? Well- these are my pledges for this week:

1) Plannage!

I am going to plan more meals. Even if it's just make some quick soups or stirfrys. Proper cooked meals, with my 1/3 superfree with every meal! The night before, before my head hits the pillow for bed, I will plan my meals, healthy extras, syns, everything!

2) More water!

Yes- I am going to drink more water- I have drunk a lot of coffee lately- so going to have more water, or sugar free cordial- keep me flushed out!

3) More body magic!

I am going to pledge to do at least an extra half hour of body magic a day- on top of my normal walking to/from places. Be it Wii Fit (it's been a while) or Just Dance (even more of a while) or just wandering around the block for a bit!
I'm also going to plan my time better so when I'm going to work, or meeting up with someone, I can walk there- rather than rely on lifts or buses. This is a must!

4) Positive Mental Attitude!

Yes- I am going to try my hardest to remain positive, energised and happy. A hard one for me, especially when my anxiety plays up, like it has done lately- but I am going to work on it- lots of happy music, good company and just positive thinking.

5) Food Diaries!

Yep- this too- as well as the planning I am going to write it all down- every time I use milk, every piece of fruit, yoghurt- anything that passes my lips will be written down!

6) Sleep!

Yes! I need to start getting to bed earlier- seriously! I seem to be more exhausted these days and I miss early mornings- as weird as it sounds! So I'm going to aim to get to bed a touch earlier for the next week (maybe not tonight- looking at the time!)

These are my 6 steps to success- maybe! At the very least damage limitation! We shall see how it goes eh?

Next week- I do have a lot to look forward to! I am going out with some friends on Saturday night- a mate of mine is owner of a new club in New Brighton, we're going to support him- lots of dancing and just an all round great time to be had!

Also- we have Caz Wright (Slimming World's Woman of the Year) coming to our groups next Tuesday to do her thing. She's coming over the day before and staying at mine, so that is something to really look forward to. I love spending time with her, she's a good friend now and she really is awesome!

I have a few extra shifts at work, which will keep her busy, I am in tomorrow, Thursday and all day Sunday- as well as my off licence work in Friday and Saturday!

It's also payday on friday- so at least I will be back in the black!

So a lot to look forward to and a lot to plan and let's see if I can get to target next week! That would be amazing! We shall see.

Here's to a great week! Food Optimising and Body Magic overload! Heehee

Much Love,
Tanya x

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