Wow- life is still very busy- as it has been for what, about a year? I'm loving it right now!
The sun is shining, which always perks me up and gives me energy. I always find when the weather is nice, Tanya is cheerful and wanting to do some extra body magic!
Now- I haven't explained body magic before I don't think- I think that it's something that everyone should attempt to do, if they are able to. I do know that some people can't do any kind of exercise or activity due to restrictions- goodness knows I have been there at one point! But it's something that Slimming World encourages, and I do too!
Now- what is body magic?
Well- it's just SW's way of saying "hey- let's do some exercise". You can start off small and just work your way up when you are ready, at your own pace.
They have 4 awards- Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum. The "criteria" is as follows :

45 minutes a week (spread over a minimum of 3 days)
in 5, 10 or 15 minute sessions
maintain for 4 weeks

90 minutes a week
6 x 15 minutes OR 3x 30 minute sessions
maintain for 4 weeks

150 minutes (2 1/2 hours) a week
10 x 15 minutes OR 5 x 30 minutes
maintain for 8 weeks

Is when you do Gold for a second time.
For me, when I started SW, I found even going to the kitchen for food difficult sometimes- and the awards helped me so much. I started off small- going round the corner, going up the stairs an extra time or 2 a day. I built it up gradually so I didn't do myself any damage.
Before I knew it I was walking places without and difficulty at about twice the speed I used to- if not quicker!
When I started SW I had to get the bus or taxis to group because it was so far to walk. Now I walk everywhere! I love being out and about- even if it's raining- I just stick my hood up and get going!
I have so much freedom and body magic has helped with that, it's great!
Today- I did a lot of body magic- I walked in total 7 miles- in the sunshine! It was a glorious day today so decided to walk a bit further. Sadly- I forgot to put suncream on so yes- I am a bit more red than usual- mainly on my shoulders- but nothing a bit of aftersun won't cure!
So remember- if you are out in the sun- remember the sun cream!
I am feeling super motivated! I spent Wednesday and Thursday with Caz, had a great time and got a lot from going to her fabulous group on the Thursday morning. Her consultant, Pam is just fab- it was great to be in the group for those few hours. A bit of extra support this week so definitely full of beans, as it were!
Ok it's time for me to go to bed- I'm rather tired after all that body magic! Work tomorrow, both Asda and off licence so need my sleep!
Will update again soon!
Much Love,
Tanya x
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