Hi everyone, just a quickie from me.
I want to thank all who have emailed, texted, inboxed and commented in regards to my last blog post. I was overwhelmed and humbled by the support and love that I received.
Before I forget- I have created a Facebook page for this blog. So I can do little posts or post pictures etc. So please please like the page if you have a second! Click here to take you to the page! Or just search "fat flutterby" in the Facebook search box. Thanks muchly!!
Anyway- I decided to face the scales after all- there is no shame in a gain! No matter how big the gain is. Like I have said to other members before- how will I know how well I've done this week if I didn't get weighed?
There is a Slimming World group by where my Uncle lives, here near Middlesbrough (Flutterby is well travelled this week!) So I decided to go there.
The black box was not nice to me- 9lb on in so may days- but it could have been so much worse! So I was relieved to have got it over and done with. It was a lovely group. There was a tasting session and got loads of recipe ideas- which I will hopefully try out when I get back home.
I started back on plan on Wednesday morning. My last blog was needed for closure I think. A week of not being in control was taking its toll on me and I was isolating. Once I shared about how I was feeling that's when I got my mojo back.
Started off well and I have been 100% since. I've been very mindful with what I have eaten and not picked as much. The fact that I'm not at home right now might be helping with that!!
Weigh in will be my normal day and time- Tuesday at 5pm. So that is 4 day left to make it happen. I don't want to set myself a big target to lose in this week- but I am focused, determined and on plan- and hopefully the scales will be nice to me!
I've had a lovely day today. My uncle took me to Whitby. We did lots of walking (body magic=good!). We took lots of photos of the scenery and went for lunch in a lovely tearoom. I had roast beef, veggies and some mash, 2 roasties and a teeny bit of gravy (those are my only syns for today!)
Tonight's dinner will be chicken stirfry and rice. I love stirfry- nice and quick and very filling. I bought some of my favourite yoghurts today- Activia Snackpots. I find them much nicer than muller lights- but they've been taken off the 10 for £4 offer in Asda lately. But we were in the Co-op and they were on offer- 4 for £2.
I was looking at the flavour and I was shocked to find a new flavour! Why was I not told about this???
Juicy Pineapple! I love pineapple!
Do you know what's even better?
Woohoo! Fantastic. I just hope that my local Co-op sells it too!!
Anyway- so much for a short post!!
But I'm back, I've not given up and I know that we CAN do this
Much Love
Tanya x
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