Oh well- all in all a good shift- and just under £30 earned- woo! I still hope that I get back in uni- and that I get funded....I need the money!
Anyway- talking of money- I went the job centre today- to speak to my advisor and to sign on. There were 2 issues. 1) My advisor wasn't even there- only 1 person knew that he disappeared and no one told me until I had been there for 15 minutes and 2) my claim hasn't even come up on the system! So I have to call a stupid number to chase it up! The guy I did manage to see couldn't even answer some simple questions for me either, about getting jobs and tax and stuff *sigh*. But deep breaths- I just need to keep calm and accept it. I'll get money when I'm meant to get money.
On a positive *omg* note- I have another job interview, on wednesday! It's sandwich maker in a cafe in Liverpool - so about half an hour away. 17.5 hours a week, which is 12-3.30pm 5 days a week. I hope that I wow them at the interview,enough to get a trial or something! Crossing fingers
Okies- the promised Paella recipe- it is worth it, if you like rice and stuff- I enjoyed it- with a lot of soy sauce. Mum and I felt it was missing something- and soy sauce (the light stuff we used) really did the job!
We basically halved the ingredients- and should in theory serve 2- it doesnt- it serves about 3, and that's big portions too!
1 onion, chopped
2 garlic cloves
1/2 green and red pepper, chopped
1 carrot,diced into small cubes
280g basmati rice
1 bay leaf
pinch of saffron threads
1 1/2 pints of chicken stock
handful of peeled and cooked prawns
200g chicken breast, diced
50g frozen peas
1 handful of fresh parsley
2) while they are cooking, boil carrots and peas in a saucepan of water for about 5-10 minutes. drain and add to the wok
3) Add the rice, bay leaf and saffron to the pan. stir in the stock, bring to the boil and cook over a gentle heat for 15 minutes
4) add the prawns and simmer for a further 5 minutes. until the veggies are soft and the rice is cooked thoroughly.
5) remove from the heat and leave to stand, covered, for 10 minutes. stir in the chopped parsley just before serving
Serve with lotsa soy sauce, black pepper and salad! (apologies for taking the not most appealing picture- i was too hungry and was rushing around!)
Tomorrow I'm meeting my friend Chris for coffee, like I do most Saturdays. Then off to my second shift. I love that I'm actually working- not sure how long the good feeling will last for though!!
Much Love,
Tanya x