Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Fridge Magnets

So today was dreaded weigh day! You know- This is week 23 for me, and it does NOT get any easier!! My consultant said once it was because of the passion I have for my weight loss journey- and while I have that, I will always be nervous!

I got to weigh in a bit earlier than I have done recently- about 4.50. I gave my consultant my SW card and took heavy layers off- like I always do lol. Took my shoes off and stood on the scales. It was hovering between 18st 7 and 18st 7.5...... of course it stayed on 18st 7.5!!! haha. That's still a 3.5lb loss in a week- considering I've not been terribly active- I think that's pretty awesome. Initially I was a bit peeved- just because I am now 1/2lb off my 4 stone award. But- there is always next week :)

Also- I got slimmer of the week! That's 3 out of 3 this month- chuffed to bits. Even more so because I now have all the different kinds of SoTW fridge magnets (10 in a pack) I still have 2 slimmer of the month magnets to get (I've got 3- for June, July and August!) Hoping to do well this month (so far I'm hoping I'm well on my way- 8.5lb in 3 weeks!) 

What else have I done today? Well- I went to my Job Centre appointment- only just got there on time- after running half the way. I have another appointment on Thursday afternoon. 

After the appointment- I called into work (my voluntary job) to see my boss- I needed confirmation of my hours. She did that and gave me an awesome report- saying that i was honest, reliable etcetc. So sweet of her- I didn't even have to bribe!

I didn't really do much else- I have the sniffles- I must have caught the lurgy! But it's ok- I'm dosing up on flu tablets and drinking lots of tea (which reminds me- mum wants a cup of tea- will do that now)

Dinner was left over cottage pie (with broccoli and broad beans- yum!)- so no new recipes today- but have a picture of my pretty fridge magnets! (above- obviously lol)

That's it for today- I'm going to have this cup of green tea then get the Wii on! I was going to do it the last few nights but just not been feeling up to it- kick up bum time! I want to get as close to 5 stone lost by 18th October. "Why's that?" I hear you ask. Well- October 19th will be 6 months since i started SW- and 5 stone is half way to target.....so it's just a bit of a challenge- I would love to be near target by my birthday next year (May 4th)

Hopefully I'll have a new recipe for you lot tomorrow.
Much Love
Tanya x

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