Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Oh Shiny!

Yay- a shiny new blog!

Ok- so who am I? Why am I doing this? 

I'm Tanya- I'm 23 years old and I am fat. Not as fat as I used to be, but still fat nonetheless. Of course, I don't like being fat and I am doing something about that

I joined Slimming World in April of this year- a staggering 22 stone 7lb (315lb if you're American) That is the heaviest I have ever been, and I don't want to go there again.

Nearly 5 months on, I am at 18 stone 11lb~ that's a 3 stone 10lb (52lb) loss, in 21 weeks. Which is pretty awesome in my opinion.

I never used to manage to stick to diets. I'd wake up totally meaning well. By 2pm I'd be waddling to the shops to get some chocolate and crisps. Then I'd be depressed, so I'd eat more to feel better- that vicious circle.

This time, I really meant it. A friend paid for half of a Slimming World countdown (12 weeks and you have to go for the 12 weeks) and off I went. I chose a group that was about a 10 minute walk from me- a bit of extra exercise is always good! The consultant there, Julie, sat me down (and 2 other newbies) and told us what SW was all about. Talked about different days (Extra Easy, Green and Original) and about what we can eat (ohhh the variety!) Then we paid and got weighed. Even though they don't talk about weight, i was ashamed at how heavy I was. I sat down and looked at everyone thinking "I have to be the fattest here"....which is something I feel often to be fair.

But yeah- I've kept going- I got inspiration and determination at my first group- there was a woman there that stood out for me- lost about 6 stone, I felt great then- because someone can lose a lot of weight on this- something I wanted to know since I had 10 stone to target!

So I've gone every week. It took about a month to really get into it- maybe a bit longer. I did have a big loss the first week (6lb) but the following weeks it was the odd 1/2lb here and there. But after a while, i really got into the plan and my weight has dropped off. I'm averaging just under 2 1/2lb a week which is great

I eat like a pig- really. Lots of carbs and protein and fruit and veggies. But I am still able to lose it :)

So- that's how my journey started....

Why do i want to do this? Well- I want to keep tabs on my journey- a written account so I can't forget. Also, hopefully it will keep me motivated. I would love too, one day, to be able to inspire one or 2 people who are struggling with their weight to bite the bullet and go for it. It's a scary thing to admit and to do- but it *is* doable. 

I'm also setting myself a challenge- to eat one thing every week that I've not eaten before. Try a new recipe, eat a new food, something! I do eat a lot of stuff- but not often really new stuff. Variety is good, and i want to try more things!

I also plan on posting recipes and pictures up on here- so if someone does see this- they can possibly try it for themselves 

Ok- if you have read this- thanks- it's nice to see you on here. Feel free to stalk me, comment, give me ideas, suggestions- anything really. I've never done a proper blog before- it's scary and new!

Much Love
Tanya x


  1. You are in inspiration! I hope to do this one day. Like you, I need that push. I come up with excuse after excuse. I will read your blog and be inspired! I have been with your posts on FB but this is a place to sit down and really read about your journey. Thank you for sharing!!

    I suggest brutal and honest truth! Even on hard days. If people are only seeing good/happy then when they (me) have a bad day I give up :(

    But that is my only tip :) I love the recipes idea and hope to try some (hope we have it all here in the US)

    Best of luck to you my friend!!

  2. So true, Trisha! Sometimes I wish I was perfect and superhuman- but because I'm not- I accept my flaws and my struggles!

    So yes- you'll hear about it if i have an off day- or a bit of naughtiness! I won't shy away if I have a bad weigh in or if I've overindulged- because I'm doing this to help me, as much as to hopefully help others!

    Hopefully you can try some of the recipes- it's such a shame that Slimming World isn't over there because it really is an amazing plan. I don't usually go for popular diets and the like, but this really does work.

    Thanks for reading my blog- and I hope you enjoy future posts!! :D

  3. I have just started reading your blog from the start. I am 60 and have been dieting since I was about 13, have tried suicide a couple of times because of my weight... am now labelled as stressed/anxious/depressed!

    I fail, I start every day, but fail, but I want to lose weight so much....I am going to try to use you for my inspiration

    Thank you

    1. Oh Linda- my heart goes out to you! I have been there too- my depression was so great that I used to hurt myself, and worse....

      Depression and being overweight took over my life, so much so that it became a black hole. Slimming World WAS my last chance- and it did not fail me.

      I have a great life now, I can do so many things that I could never do.

      Never give up on yourself- you are worth the effort x
