The weather is changing- it's dark, miserable and a bit grotty. So yeah, I've not had as much energy as usual. I'm hoping that my levels increase and I can get my exercise on!
I am eating a TON. I've had about 3-4 yoghurts, an apple, 2 plums, 4 meringue shells and a mini milk, just for snacks, as well as lotsa meals.(and between writing the first bit and now- i had another yoghurt and a spoon of jam.....dammit!)
Ok that's it- wiping the slate clean for today. I may not have gone over my syns but i have picked too much. So tomorrow is another day- back on plan 100%- watching what rubbish stuff I'm eating and hoping for that last 1/2lb to get my 4 stone award!!!
Ok- on to the rest of my day....
I saw my brother today- he came over for a bit- and we went shopping. Boy do I HATE Asda- seriously- mad people shop there- I don't like it. But I survived.
I then went for coffee with a good friend of mine- had a bit of a whine and a moan about one thing and another. Everyone should have one friend who will give the tough love without making you feel like a bag of poo- that's what my friend Chris does. I don't know how she manages it- but even if she is just telling me to "get over it"- I don't feel like rubbish after. It's not something everyone can do- there are only a few people in the world that can manage it perfectly!
Then I made a huge pan of superspeed soup- which i plan on having for lunch a few days next week! I'm going to freeze a lot too- for emergency meals!
Thinking positive- because I hate going to bed on a negative....I'm trying my best not to do that- I haven't gone over my 15 syns today. I have managed half an hour of walking (before Slimming World I would have just caught the bus for the whole 3 stops!) and I have updated my CV- it doesn't look like total rubbish!
Tomorrow- planning ahead. I am going to text a fellow SW member and see if she fancies going for a walk around the park or something. I am going to write up some cover letters for jobs and, most importantly, I am going to work on my appeal statement for uni!I want to get it right- because I really want to go back!
Ok that's it for tonight. Not the most positive one tonight- but as a friend mentioned to me, sometimes it's good to write about my bad days too- I'm not perfect- I don't claim to be, so I'm going to have the odd *off* day. Today was one of them- and tomorrow is a brand spanking new day!!
Much love,
Tanya x
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